Horrorwriter's Ramblings


Hope & Fear

I�m still waiting to get the CD/DVD burner. Ugh! I hate this. I can�t stand not being able to use SSL on this computer. You�d be amazed how much that locks you out of when you have issues with it.

Tomorrow is the fateful day, I think. We are getting a new car and I�m scared out of my skin�lol. It has been years since I�ve gotten a car from an actual dealer and not a �buy-here-pay-here,� place. It�s so intimidating. I think we�ll be okay. I�m just nervous about having that lovely payment again. You get so used to not worrying about it.

Went the last round with the publisher over Timeslips. I think it�s about ready. We�ve went through it twice seeing what needs correcting and reformatting. But, it�s about ready. I am so scared about that. Hubby won�t talk to me about it because he said he was afraid of putting too much pressure on me. Sometimes, I think it would be good to have that pressure. Other times, I�m glad he doesn�t. I think I�m just addicted to fear. I�m afraid of it failling, of course. But, I�m afraid of it doing too well if you can imagine that.

The royalty schedule is apparently the same as the sample one he mailed. It was good. I�m waiting to hear from a �Big Boy,� publisher and that�s just utter hell. Really. It isn�t so bad when it�s a smaller publisher. You know, they�ll take it or they won�t. Submitting to a bigger one just puts so much more into it, somehow. You know every �i�must be dotted and every �t� must be crossed for them to even look at your work.

I realized lately that I�ve been doing this over half my life. That awareness often slips away. I can�t imagine life without writing. I feel that it�s meant to keep people from incarcaration. If we didn�t have a place to vent and to get some therapy, we�d be stark raving mad.

That�s about it for now. I�ll post when I have more. Over and out.