Horrorwriter's Ramblings


When Dreams Appear

Well, hasn�t it been an eventful week?

So, the book�s ready. I got my proof copy and it�s gorgeous. I just don�t know what to think. After seeing something become tangible after nearly two decades, you don�t really know how to react. Do you burst into a million pieces? Call everyone and scream? Run around in circles? So many options.

The formal release date is August 21st, but the publisher said it should be on Amazon by this Monday. It�s Timelsips & Terrors , written by Laura Wright. There�s a section on the domain dedicated to it. I just can�t believe it. I�m in print. Finally. How exactly do you react? There�s no concrete way of coping. I guess just move on to the next one. I hope this one does well.

That�s been nearly it. We�ve found a house we�re interested in just down the road. It�s a sweet little thing, too. I hope that goes well, but we won�t know anything for certain for about a month.

Well, wish me luck. Let�s hope my marketing savvy hasn�t rusted these past few years.